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2023-06-22 277 法总荟
1. Contract(合同): legally binding agreement between two or more parties, often involving the exchange of goods or services.
2. Tort(侵权行为): civil wrong that causes injury or damage to another person, resulting in legal liability.
3. Liability(责任): legal responsibility for the consequences of one's actions or inactions.
4. Damages(损失赔偿): compensation awarded by a court to a person who has suffered harm or loss as a result of another's action or negligence.
5. Breach(违约): violation of a legal obligation, such as a contract.
6. Plaintiff(原告): person who brings a legal action against another party.
7. Defendant(被告): person who is being sued or accused in a legal action.
8. Evidence(证据): information presented to a court or tribunal to support a claim or defense.
9. Jurisdiction(司法管辖权): power of a court to hear and decide a case within its geographical or subject matter limits.
10. Appeal(上诉): process of asking a higher court to review and possibly reverse a lower court's decision.
1. Force majeure(不可抗力): unforeseeable circumstance or event that prevents the fulfillment of a legal obligation.
2. Without prejudice(无预judgment): statement made in writing that does not affect the legal rights or position of the party making it.
3. In camera(非公开审判): private hearing in which the public is excluded.
4. In limine(庭前审查): pre-trial motion or hearing to determine admissibility of evidence or other legal matters.
5. Inter alia(包括其中): among other things.
6. Nolo contendere(无罪认定): plea in which the defendant does not admit guilt but accepts punishment.
7. Prima facie(初步证明): evidence sufficient to establish a claim or fact unless rebutted.
8. Res judicata(已判之事项): legal doctrine that a matter already adjudicated cannot be retried.
9. Subpoena(传票): legal order requiring a person to appear in court or to produce evidence.
10. Ultra vires(超出法定职权): beyond one's legal authority or powers.

相关标签: # 法律英语 # 法律词汇